
UK - NWDA wind turbine spins into action

Turbine to feed directly into the Agency’s electrical supply and to have a CO2 emission saving of 9,675kg per year

The Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA), last week welcomed Helen Jones, MP for Warrington North together with Warrington Wolves’ Steve Pickersgill and Chris Bridge, to officially launch its state-of-the-art Wind Turbine.

To recognise World Environment Day later this week (5th June), the launch was observed by over 30 stakeholders from the Northwest Climate Change Partnership, the regional group responsible for implementing the Northwest Climate Change Action Plan.

Standing almost 25 metres high, the Turbine will feed directly into the Agency’s electrical supply and will have a CO2 emission saving of 9,675kg per year. Statistics relating to the energy generated will also be displayed on an interactive monitor in the NWDA’s reception area, which was also unveiled for the first time today.

After being supplied by Scottish firm Proven Energy, the Turbine has become a real Northwest affair, installed by Cumbrian company Wind Turbine Services. HFM Consulting Engineers Ltd based in Manchester and Liverpool also provided assistance with the planning application and project management.

The Turbine benefits from an advanced technology dampening system that allows it to continue operating even in extreme weather conditions. Hinged blades automatically fold inwards to ensure a constant spinning speed and allow the optimum amount of energy to be generated. This model was the first to be supplied by the manufacturer with this innovative capability.

As part of the Northwest Regional Economic Strategy (RES) the NWDA works with partners to promote energy efficiency and recognises the need to utilise alternative energy sources to ensure continued sustainable growth for the region.

Welcoming guests was Steven Broomhead, Chief Executive of the NWDA, who said:

“I am delighted with the Wind Turbine, which will act as a symbol of the Agency’s commitment to helping sustain the Northwest’s future energy requirements.

“My thanks goes to Helen Jones, MP for Warrington North, Steve and Chris for joining us today and helping us celebrate this significant step forward in reducing our carbon footprint and assist with reducing the impact of climate change.

Helen Jones, MP for Warrington North comments:

“You cannot fail to notice this new addition to the Warrington landscape and I am thrilled to be able to be here to mark the launch.

“It has never been easier for businesses and homeowners to invest in sustainable energy, with a wealth of assistance readily available. The effects of climate change are already being felt and will continue to become an increasingly important issue.”

Northwest Regional Development Agency
Edited by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist / Author: NWDA Staff
Northwest Regional Development Agency, wind energy, wind farm, renewable energy, wind power, wind turbine, rotorblade, offshore, onshore

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