
Changes within the Executive Board of the BGZ AG

Michael Ostwald appointed new CFO of the Husum-based competence centre

As per end of June 2010, Dr. Christian Kuhse resigns from his executive position as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG. This is due to reorganization within the executive board functions of the Husum-based company group. Dr. Christian Kuhse has been an active member of the management of the BGZ Group for the past two years.
As of 1 July 2010, Dr. Christian Kuhse will be succeeded by Michael Ostwald. Michael Ostwald, born in 1966, completed an internship as a banker. He has already been working with the BGZ Group since 2004 where firstly he was appointed Managing Director of the BGZ Fondsverwaltung GmbH. As of June 2007, Michael Ostwald has been CFO of the BGZ subsidiary WKN Windkraft Nord AG and continues to hold this function. Before Michael Ostwald joined the BGZ Group, he had already been closely linked to the “wind scene” as a banker accountable for financing various wind energy projects.

The BGZ Group

BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG is a manage-ment holding company in the sector of sustainable energy. The value chain includes planning, projecting, financing as well as the operation and management of energy production systems like wind farms and solar as well as bio energy plants. The BGZ Group is also represented internationally by several subsidiaries throughout Europe and in the USA. More than 50 percent of the BGZ shares are privately owned by the founder Volker Friedrichsen. Roughly 25 percent are held by private and institutional investors, while another 25.1 percent are now owned by Siemens Project Ventures.
BGZ Beteiligungsgesellschaft Zukunftsenergien AG
Catrin Petersen

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