
New Member On Windfair.net: Trade Fair BalticFuture 2008

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Company Presentation

expotec gmbh - Successful Trade Fairs in Germany and Abroad

expotec gmbh was created in 1995 and has its office in the new center of Berlin. The enterprise is internationally successful for the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology as a trade fair execution company since that time. In the last years the product portfolio was extended also to fairs and meetings within Germany.

Since June 2002 expotec gmbh is a member of the AUMA (Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.), and assocation of established trade fair organizers of Germany.

Expotec gmbh through its innovative beginnings in the development of new projects, acquisitions as well as strategic partnerships at present, is able to serve all aspects of your successful fair participation worldwide.

Co-Organiser of BalticFuture 2008:

Rostocker Messe-und Stadthallengesellschaft mbH
Zur HanseMesse 1-2
18106 Rostock
Tel: +49 (0)381/44 00 610
Fax: +49 (0)381/44 00 666
E-Mail: kontakt@hansemesse.de
Web: www.hansemesse.de

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