
News Release from American Clean Power Association (ACP)


Wind Industry Profile of

AWEA Wind Energy Fall Symposium

November 1 - 2, 2007/Carlsbad, CA

Register by Monday, September 24 before prices increase!

The American Wind Energy Association is pleased to announce the 3rd annual AWEA Wind Energy Fall Symposium being held November 1-2 at the La Costa Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, California.

The AWEA Fall Symposium will provide a unique educational program designed for wind energy professionals involved in, or looking to learn more about, the business, policy and technical issues of the wind industry. The Symposium will also provide outstanding business interaction and networking opportunities, all at a luxury resort located just north of San Diego, California.

Program Chairperson: Tom Weis, Environmental Advisor to enXco / President, Wind Power Solutions

Registration is NOW OPEN! See below for more details or open www.awea.org/events/symposium07/registration.html

About the Fall Symposium
This year's program will focus on wind power's critical role in securing America's economic, environmental and energy future. Each session will discuss challenges facing the wind industry and initiatives required to position wind power to be able to maximize its contribution to U.S. energy security.

The Symposium is designed to bring together wind energy professionals in all facets of the industry. For those new to the wind industry, a pre-conference seminar will be held on Wednesday afternoon, offering a comprehensive tutorial on the fundamentals of utility-scale wind energy. This tutorial is a perfect primer for the more detailed topics to be covered during the remainder of the Symposium. On Thursday and Friday, the Symposium program will include in-depth presentations and interactive discussions on the most important issues facing the wind industry, providing something for every interest.

Symposium Sessions
Symposium Sessions include:
- Addressing the Supply Chain & Creating a Domestic Manufacturing Base
- Transmission Interconnection Queues - Getting Through the Thicket
- New Trends in Wind Energy Financing
- Technology Development - Help is on the Way
- Wind Energy's Climate Contribution
- Securing America's Energy Independence
- Models for Success - Wind Developers & Utilities
- Community Outreach - Making the Case for Local Acceptance
- Asset Management - Doing Things Right
- Addressing Wildlife Issues
- Resource Assessment - The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

For more description about each session, visit http://www.awea.org/events/symposium07/agenda.html .

Special Activities
In addition to the Symposium sessions, there are numerous special activities associated with the AWEA Wind Energy Fall Symposium, including:
- Networking Lunches & Receptions
- Introduction to Wind Energy Pre-Conference Seminar
- Golf Tournament
- Guest Passes
- AWEA Board of Directors and Committee Meetings

For more information on these special activities, visit http://www.awea.org/events/symposium07/other_activities.html .

Registration and Hotel Details:
Register by September 24 for discounted prices!

On-line Registration is now available at

Book your hotel room at La Costa Resort and Spa for the AWEA discounted rate of $180 plus applicable taxes. The standard $21 resort fee has been waived for AWEA guests who book within our housing block. Call (800) 854-5000 and indicate you are with the American Wind Energy Association. Open www.awea.org/events/symposium07/AWEA_FS_brochure07.pdf to book your hotel reservation on-line.

A limited number of discounted hotel rooms have been arranged for Symposium attendees. The discounted rate will be offered while availability remains up to Monday, October 8. Once the discounted rooms are sold out, or after October 8 (whichever comes first), the hotel may charge a higher rate for any remaining inventory.

Travel information including details on the closest airports, parking, ground transportation, and driving directions can be found at http://www.awea.org/events/symposium07/hotel_and_travel.html .

Sponsorship Opportunities
A limited number of sponsorship options are available for this event. Contact Lori Rugh at lrugh@awea.org or (661) 821-2149 for more information.

Why Attend AWEA Events?
The revenue generated from AWEA events is put right back into services that promote and advance the wind industry. Examples include promoting favorable policies (such as the PTC and RPS) through work with our government legislators, wind visibility campaigns, communicating and educating America on the benefits of wind energy, addressing environmental concerns, pushing for advanced transmission access for wind, and many others. Unlike other wind events organized by for-profit companies, AWEA puts your dollars to work on advancing the wind energy industry.

For more workshop information, including more detailed program content, registration costs, online registration, and housing and travel details, visit http://www.awea.org/events/symposium07 .

Conference & Education Department
1101 14th Street NW, 12th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 383-2512
Fax: (202) 383-2505
Email: conference@awea.org
Web: http://www.awea.org/events
American Wind Energy Association
Posted by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
AWEA, wind energy, renewable energy, wind turbine, wind power, wind farm, rotorblade, onshore, offshore

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