
Statkraft, Enovos and Daimler with new green power supply concept

For the first time, a long-term green power supply on an industrial scale is made possible in Germany.

Official Press Release Statkraft:

Statkraft and Enovos lead the way with green power supply - deliver CO2-free electricity according to demand

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Statkraft and Enovos lead the way with green power supply - deliver CO2-free electricity according to demand

For the first time, a long-term, 100% green power supply on an industrial scale is made possible in Germany. The agreement is unique as it meets the requirements for simultaneous consumption and production as well as significant domestic production. Europe’s largest renewable energy generator Statkraft has developed the innovative green power concept, which will be implemented by Enovos. The power will be delivered to German Daimler sites.

A large share of the electricity supplied to the Daimler sites will be generated in German solar, wind and hydroelectric power plants. Statkraft will generate the remaining quantities in its hydropower plants. The combination with Statkraft's flexible hydropower ensures that the green electricity is generated at the same time as it is... ... More: Official Press Release Statkraft

Statkraft, Enovos, Daimler, PPA, industrial scale, Germany, EEG, energy transition, electricity, renewable energy, wind, solar, hydro, supply

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