
NIRAS Tests Offshore Foundations for the Use in Typhoons

Using the right data in a CFD simulation is vital and can affect not only the design, but also the costs.

Official Press Release NIRAS:

Simulating typhoons can lead to a less conservative design of offshore foundations

When investing in or developing offshore wind, de-risking is one of the main areas to focus on in order to avoid future failure due to wave and wind forces, without being overly conservative.

This is probably why Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations have gained popularity and are often used to simulate the effects of wave loads on offshore wind turbine foundations. However, even with these new methods, using the right data in a simulation – e.g. the “right kind of waves” – is vital and can affect not only the design, but also the costs. NIRAS’ experience from the market shows that extreme weather conditions are often interpreted to the “extreme” – simulations of extreme events, such as typhoons, can provide... ... More: Official Press Release NIRAS

NIRAS, typhoon, offshore, foundation, weather, costs, Taiwan

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