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LAMBRECHT meteo GmbH Wins Large Contract from DWD
Official Press Release LAMBRECHT meteo:
Tender won: LAMBRECHT meteo GmbH gets large order from German Weather Service (DWD)
LAMBRECHT meteo wins tender from German Weather Service (DWD) / Delivery of at least 1.100 precipitation sensors that get into use at the precipitation stations of the DWD between 2017-2020
With it’s precipitation sensor rain[e]H3 LAMBRECHT meteo GmbH prevailed against all competitors and has been awarded with the contract after participation in a tender of German Weather Service (DWD). DWD is the Meteorological Service of Germany and shall be deemed to be a reference in meteorology. DWD detects the precipitation amount at full-time and extra official weather stations. At the public tender DWD asked for new precipitation sensors. Target of this action is to exchange all precipitation sensors that are presently installed at all stations. The detected measuring... ... More: Official Press Release LAMBRECHT meteo
- Keywords:
- LAMBRECHT meteo, DWD, tender, sensor, precipitation sensor