
News Release from American Clean Power Association (ACP)


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US: AWEA CEO thanks Govenor of Oregon for upping the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard

"This is a result of a strong bipartisan effort by members of the Oregon legislature choosing to build a better future for Oregon families."

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown advanced the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to 50 percent renewable energy by 2040 by signing Senate Bill 1547 into law today. The new law is expected to spur significant growth in local wind and solar energy investments in the state.

“Thank you, Gov. Brown, for your leadership in signing this historic bill into law,” said Tom Kiernan, CEO of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). “This is a result of a strong bipartisan effort by members of the Oregon legislature choosing to build a better future for Oregon families. Growing wind energy in the state will deliver savings on their electricity bills, cleaner air, and well-paying jobs.”

“Wind energy costs two-thirds less than it did six years ago thanks to technology innovation and those savings are being passed onto American consumers. Consumers in the 10 states with the most renewable energy pay less on their electricity bills than the 10 states with the least amount of renewables. Oregon joins a growing trend of states signing up for 50 percent or more their electricity to come from homegrown, low-cost renewable energy,” said Kiernan.

There are 3,300 megawatts of clean, renewable energy installed in Oregon today, generating enough power for over 700,000 Oregon homes. That growth has resulted in renewable energy businesses investing close to $10 billion dollars in the state, support over 5,000 well-paying jobs, and contributes to state and local revenue by paying over $150 million. Wind energy supplies more than 12 percent of Oregon’s in-state electricity production.

Wind power installed in Oregon today helps avoid over 1.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year – or 307,000 cars’ worth of carbon emissions. Wind also helps Oregon conserve over 750 million gallons of water every year.

Oregon, Hawaii, California, and Vermont all have state RPS laws of 50 percent or more. New York may soon become the fifth state.


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