
The future of offshore wind energy in Europe II

Action points and key points of the Copenhagen declaration on offshore wind energy development

The participants to the European Seminar listed a series of action points on three main issues relating to the development of offshore wind energy in Europe:

• Grid integration of large scale offshore wind
• Environment
• Market development

Key points of the Declaration include:

* “The participants call on the Council of Ministers to ask the [European] Commission to initiate a European policy for wind power starting with the production of an Action Plan on offshore wind
power deployment” […]

* “Participants recommend that Member States clearly define, streamline and expedite procedures in order to provide for speedy and efficient decision making procedures for offshore wind developments”

* “Levelling the playing field is important for large-scale integration of wind power in the liberalised electricity market. Participants stress the need for Member States to take the necessary measures to guarantee the transmission and distribution of electricity produced from renewable energy sources”

* “Participants consider the need for long term grid planning (at local, regional, national and EU levels) essential to enable the integration of large scale (offshore) wind energy. […] Political support to facilitate the issuing of permits to build the necessary grid connections or reinforcements is also considered essential by the participants”

* “In order to arrive at a long term stable investment, participants recommend an increased collaboration between the wind-power industry, utilities and financial institutions to finance offshore wind power initiatives (EIB, EBRD, ECAs, Structural Funds, commercial banks etc)”

* “Participants [therefore] call on the EU-Commission, power companies, TSOs, Member-States, he European Wind Industry and research institutions to co-operate in the development of innovative solutions for offshore projects with a strong focus on cost reductions and mitigation of unwanted environmental consequences”

* Participants urge parties involved in the establishment of the European Technology Platform for Wind Energy with the aim of a more extensive Joint Technology Initiative to structure the platform in such a way that it will:

- contain an independent chapter for offshore wind power;
- allow for international co-operation between all relevant public and private stakeholders;
- allow for both long term research and short-term operational measures;
- be transparent in activities and results.”

The English version of the ‘Copenhagen Strategy on Offshore wind power deployment‘ are available at http://www.ens.dk/sw11492.asp
Edited by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
EWEA, Europe, Copenhagen Strategy, wind energy, wind power, renewable energy, wind turbine, wind farm, rotorblade, onshore, offshore

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