
News Release from ABE Gruppe


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ABE Zertifizierung: First unit certificate for combustion engines

ABE Zertifizierung issued their first unit certificate for a combustion engine on 28th of May 2015.

This so-called “family certificate” is valid for the series of combustion engines from 145 to 530 kW produced by Dreyer & Bosse Kraftwerke GmbH. With this unit certificate the verification according to the guideline of the medium-voltage network (BDEW Mittelspannungsrichtlinie 2008) and the technical guidelines FGW Part 3, 4, 8 has been done.

“We pay great attention to quality and usability for the certification process of the park. This claim of quality could become implemented with the technical and constructive cooperation of our client. We are very satisfied that we can hand over Dreyer & Bosse their certificate before the deadline 30th of June 2015.” says managing director Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Gerbig.

Due to the power size of combustion engines it is usually sufficient to hand in a unit certificate at the grid operator. The requirement for the grid connection is fulfilled with this unit certificate.


About Dreyer & Bosse Kraftwerke GmbH:

The Dreyer & Bosse Kraftwerke GmbH from Gorleben is a system provider in the area of gas processing with focus on biogas plants from 200 kW to approx. 2MW. The pioneer of combined heat and power has more than 15 years of experience.


About ABE Zertifizierung GmbH:

The ABE Zertifizierung GmbH from Barsbüttel is an accredited certification body according DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065. They issue certificates of the electrical properties of units, parks and components according grid compatibility and system performance. Since 2010 the company has been operating in the area of wind, photovoltaics, combustion engines and battery systems.

Are you also a producer of combustion engines? Or are you working in the area of wind, photovoltaics or battery systems? Just contact the team of ABE Zertifizierung for a non-binding offer.


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