
ANHOLT WIND: 1,000 days without an LTI

On 2 February 2015, crew transfer vessel ANHOLT WIND celebrated 1,000 days without an LTI – Lost Time Injury.

The two skippers onboard the vessel, Jackie Sørensen and Erik Karlsen, were very proud when receiving praises from Kirsten Bank Christensen, Vice President, Group HSEQ and Per Mølris, Vice President, Fleet Operations: “In general, we are very aware of incidents and make sure to use best practise. The crew on board is good at pointing out any situations that might evolve in a negative direction. Furthermore, we have a good co-operation with e.g. DONG Energy here at the Port of Grenaa.”

Also Kirsten Bank Christensen was very satisfied with the achivement:
“At A2SEA we are very proud of ANHOLT WIND who has achieved a benchmark of 1,000 days without an LTI. To reach this milestone is the result of an excellent safety performance by all. This includes the continuous day to day efforts where working proactively with safety is embraced into our company DNA and hence actively supporting us all in creating an incident and injury free workplace.”

ANHOLT WIND is deployed at Anholt Offshore Wind Farm in Denmark together with DJURS WIND and KATTEGAT WIND. All vessels are owned by DONG Energy and managed by A2SEA.


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