
SIAG Group is on the Rise

New Orders in Onshore and Offshore Business Steel colossuses at the SIAG Nordseewerke – Foundation structures for offshore wind turbines

Dernbach, 22.12.2011 – The SIAG Schaaf Industrie AG, a leading supplier in the onshore and offshore wind energy industry, was able to win significant new orders in both business sectors before the end of 2011. In line with major projects, steel towers were commissioned by renowned customers.

Market growth is especially recognizable in the onshore sector, for which SIAG received three major orders for its facilities in the Czech Republic, Egypt and the USA. The manufactured towers are directed at the target markets Romania and the USA. After carrying out projects for Italy and Cypress, the state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in Egypt has also succeeded in positioning itself for the North American market. According to Claus Herting, Group Sales Director of the SIAG Group, “This total volume allows us to utilize the full capacity of three SIAG manufacturing sites far into the year 2012. We also have the ongoing business of the German and French SIAG facilities with several individual projects lined up in the region. Although the manufacturing site in Egypt still has capacities available for 2012, we are confident that these gaps will soon be filled.”

The SIAG Nordseewerke Emden facility, which is now in full production after its short ramp-up phase, also received orders for offshore towers. Volker Messerschmidt, Managing Director of the SIAG Nordseewerke GmbH states, “Surely we still have a few hurdles to overcome, but experience has proven that we are able to rely on the capabilities of our employees in Emden. In the near future we will be concluding a construction contract for a transformer platform in the North Sea, and we are very confident that we will secure an order for a large platform in 2012. Our qualifications and competence in the engineering, manufacturing and installation of platforms would permanently establish us as a technology company in this offshore market segment.” Planning contracts have already been placed with SIAG Engineering GmbH, which are currently being realized. SIAG has thus strongly established itself in the market as a system supplier and has attained a significant competitive advantage. The platforms are crucial components of offshore wind parks and serve as a means of bundling and converting the generated power in order to transfer the electricity to the mainland with as little energy loss as possible.

SIAG Schaaf Industrie AG has grown from a classical steel construction company to the leading supplier of the power generating industry in the past 15 years. Worldwide, the SIAG Group employs 1,800 staff at 11 locations across Europe, Africa, Asia and the USA.

Our core competency is divided into two business units:
• Wind Energy Technology Onshore
• Maritime Systems / Offshore

SIAG’s target markets are wind turbine manufacturers for onshore and offshore wind farms as well as companies active in the field of high technological steel construction and mechani-cal engineering. SIAG combines the benefits of being a medium-sized industrial company with the effectiveness of an international Group. Due to a fast and efficient decision-making process, SIAG is able to respond to market challenges without delay.
SIAG Schaaf Industrie AG

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