
Canada - Cleanfield Energy to install vertical axis wind turbines for certification purposes

Cleanfield Alternative Energy Inc. signs contract with the Wind Energy Institute of Canada

Cleanfield Energy Corp ("Cleanfield") a subsidiary of Cleanfield Alternative Energy Inc. announces that it has signed a contract with the Wind Energy Institute of Canada ("WEICan") to have its V3.5 wind turbine tested at the North Cape in Prince Edward Island as part of the Small Wind Turbine Certification. The testing program exists to assist small wind manufacturers to certify their turbines by the Small Wind Certification Committee ("SWCC").

WEICan and the SWCC will test the V3.5 for a period of twelve (12) months and will collect and analyze data from the tests according to IEC standard 61400-12 Power Performance Measurements of Electricity Producing Wind Turbines and the operational time periods as specified in IEC standard 61400-2 Design Requirements for Small Wind Turbines. The installation for the V3.5 wind turbine is scheduled to be completed by October 31st, 2008.

"The independent third party testing being carried out by WEICan will be a tremendous opportunity to verify the V3.5's performance and efficiency. This will go a long way to demonstrating the viability of the turbine", said Cleanfield Energy President, Tony Verrelli.

About Cleanfield Alternative Energy Inc.:
Cleanfield Alternative Energy Inc. is the parent company of Cleanfield Energy Corp. and is committed to the development of renewable energy products for both consumer and commercial applications. Cleanfield's tailor-made Vertical Axis Wind Turbine can be mounted on a tower or suitable rooftop, offering electricity independence and security.

Cleanfield Energy Corp
Edited by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist / Author: Cleanfield Energy Corp Staff
Cleanfield Energy Corp, wind energy, wind farm, renewable energy, wind power, wind turbine, rotorblade, offshore, onshore

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