
News Release from REN21


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REN21 Mourns the Passing of its President, Arthouros Zervos

REN21 Mourns the Passing of its President, Arthouros Zervos is with profound sadness that REN21 announces the passing of its President, Professor Arthouros Zervos on Tuesday 30 July after a short battle with illness. His funeral will be held in Athens on Thursday 1 August.

Wednesday 31 July, 2024


Professor Zervos was a distinguished academic, visionary thought leader and renewable energy pioneer who played a key role in advancing the global energy transition.

Zervos has been involved with REN21 since its creation in 2004, serving as its President since 2013. Not only did he fight for the global energy transition, but also for the conviction that collaboration between governments, industry and civil society is fundamental to deliver on the promise of renewables to build a better, more equitable world.

Zervos has also been a Professor of the National Technical University of Athens for over 42 years. He fostered and mentored several generations of renewable energy advocates and senior professionals.

He also has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Public Power Corporation - Greece as well as Chairman of the Public Power Corporation Renewables, both from 2009 to 2015.

For over 30 years, Zervos tirelessly contributed to policy, science, research and technology across the renewable energy sector. He led key European renewable energy bodies and has acted as policy advisor to Governments, EU bodies and policy fora. He has been President of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) from 2001 to 2013, President of the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) from 2000 to 2012 and Founder and President of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) from 2005 to 2010. In 2013 he received the “Poul La Cour” prize for outstanding achievement in wind energy.

He played a central role in the promotion and design of policies in Europe and around the world, helping create many of the leading bodies that are now driving the transformational work in the renewable energy sector. His chief achievement as EREC President was pushing for the enactment of the 20% EU renewables target in 2020.

His leadership and unwavering commitment have left an indelible mark on the global transition towards renewable energy. Zervos was instrumental in advancing the adoption of renewable energy worldwide.

He leaves behind an inspirational legacy of profound dedication to global energy and a better world.

Our thoughts go out to his family, friends and entire REN21 Community.

Here is what senior leaders in the REN21 Community had to say about Zervos:

“I honour him for his life-long contribution to the energy transition and for his unwavering support for the REN21 network and team. I have seen him engage and mentor young colleagues with a genuine interest in their dreams and ideas. He never shied away from thought provoking discussions, and loved sharing his experiences and anecdotes as renewables pioneer. Thank you Arthouros. We will miss you immensely.” - Rana Adib,

Executive Director of REN21

“The world lost a true renewable energy pioneer. The energy industry lost a dedicated supporter. Science lost a brilliant mind and one of the first dedicated renewable energy professors. I lost my mentor for the past almost 3 decades and my PhD supervisor. We all

lost a friend and good person. Thank you Arthouros for all you have given us.” - Sven Teske, Research Director at the Institute for Sustainable Futures.

“Arthouros played a foundational role in REN21’s creation. He was a key driver in spreading renewables information worldwide. In his capacity as EREC’s president, his greatest success was convincing the European Commission to enact a 2020 Renewables target of 20% for the EU. I very much liked his perseverance and strength in guiding the European Renewables sector.

I feel very sad about the passing away of a strong and committed pioneer and accelerator of the Renewable Energy Revolution. I trust we’ll all keep his memory and take his legacy as a strong impetus for further accelerating the transformation towards a fully renewables based sustainable energy system - the sooner the better.” Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, Vice-President of European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF).

“I had the priviledge to work closely with Arthouros Zervos on European & global levels during more than 20 years. He was a renewables visionary at a time when few believed that our energy system has to and will be based on renewables. I pay tribute to his leadership & commit to keeping his legacy alive! Rest in peace my dear friend Arthouros,” Christine Lins, Executive Director of the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition.

“A mentor! A leader! A great friend! I will truly miss you Arthouros! You were a great pioneer for the Renewable Energy industry and I will forever remember the great lessons you taught me through your amazing storytelling! May he rest in eternal glory,” Wangari Muchiri, Africa Director at the Global Wind Energy Council.

“Arthouros was one of the original pure play renewable pioneers, always believing that renewables would inevitably dominate the energy sector. He was also a humble yet inspiring and impactful leader, one of the most influential mentors,” Bruce Douglas, Chief Executive Officer of the Global Renewables Alliance.

“I feel so lucky to have gotten to know Arthouros and consider him not just a colleague in the wider renewables community, but also a mentor and dear friend. He was a pioneer who has contributed immensely to the vision of a global renewable-based energy system. May he rest in perfect peace and may we all continue and realize the great work he begun.” - Janet Milongo Senior Manager, Energy Transition at Climate Action Network International (CAN International).


About REN21

REN21 is the only global policy network made up of renewable energy actors from science, academia, governments, non-governmental organisations and industry across all renewable energy sectors. Our community is at the heart of our data and reporting activities. All our knowledge activities, including the Global Status Report (GSR) 2024 Collection and the Renewables Global Futures Reports, follow a unique reporting process that has allowed REN21 to be globally recognised as a neutral data and knowledge broker.


Rochelle Gluzman

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