
News Release from World Wind Energy Association e.V. (WWEA)

WWEA has launched a new website: Wide range of global wind power statistics accessible

©WWEA Total Cumulative Wind Power Installed©WWEA Total Cumulative Wind Power Installed

Bonn, 16 May 2024 (WWEA) – The World Wind Energy Association is uniting the wind community around the world, connecting members and other wind power stakeholders from over 100 countries. Recently, WWEA has launched its new website wiht additional information. The new website layout has been designed to provide a more user-friendly experience for visitors from around the world. The aim is to make the information provided by WWEA more accessible to the global wind community, media and the general public.

WWEA has been a leading source of information for the global wind community, media and the general public for over 20 years. The new website now places a greater emphasis on providing detailed information, particularly in the area of international wind power statistics.

The new statistics section is divided into two main sections:

Global developments https://wwindea.org/GlobalStatistics

A new section has been created which presents global statistics, including global growth rates and a comparison of the major wind markets as well as their global market shares. The new statistics section offers visitors an excellent overview of how wind power is deployed globally in total numbers, new installed capacities, growth rates, as well as which countries are in leading positions.

Country reports https://wwindea.org/country-reports

In addition to global market developments, website visitors can now access country-specific information for the past ten years. The website now offers users the ability to obtain overall installations, added capacity per year, and growth rates. For some countries, additional information is available, e.g. in the form of the #WWEApodcast.

The WWEA wind power statistics section will be accessible for free for the general public until summer. Subsequently, the global developments section will remain free of charge, and WWEA members will continue to have full access to the country statistics section.

Comments on the WWEA statistics are welcome – please contact WWEA by email secretariat@wwindea.org

In addition, the WWEA website offers a range of other information services:

    WWEApodcast https://wwindea.org/WWEApodcast

The #WWEApodcast: The World of Wind Power! provides first-hand information on the latest developments in the world of wind energy - on markets, policies, people, technology or socio-economic aspects - on a fortnightly basis. In each episode, WWEA Secretary General Stefan Gsänger talks for 30 minutes with an expert from the WWEA network, which spans all continents and covers all wind sectors. So far, episodes are covering worldwide developments, Brazil, North Africa, the IRENA Assembly, Canada and India. A new episode will be added every fortnight.

WWEAwebinars https://wwindea.org/webinar/webinar/webinar-2024

WWEA organises regularly webinars about important topics, like on wind power markets from around the world. All recordings of the WWEAwebinars can be accessed via the WWEA website and on the WWEA Youtube Channel.

Become part of the WWEA community and join WWEA today as a member – to benefit directly from first-hand information about wind power around the world: https://wwindea.org/membership/services


World Wind Energy Association

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