
ABL to support construction of Belgian energy island

Image: ABLImage: ABL
“The MOG2 project is a great project for Belgium and will be key in improving distribution and efficiency in power consumption from the North Sea’s increasing renewable energy sources,” comments Hugues Delanoue, Managing Director of ABL France.

Official Press Release ABL:

ABL to support build-out of Belgian energy island

Energy and marine consultancy ABL has been awarded a contract to provide marine warranty survey (MWS) services for the offshore transportation and installation operations relating to the Modular Offshore Grid 2 (MOG2) energy island project in the Belgian sector of the North Sea.

The contract has been awarded by Elia Group – the Belgium electric services company. The MOG2 project aims to develop offshore grid infrastructure to connect new wind farms in the 3.5GW Princess Elizabeth zone, to the Belgian national grid via an energy hub located on an artificial island. By creating a new connection point for hybrid interconnectors, the... ... More: Official Press Release ABL

ABL, Belgium, energy island, Elia, grid, offshore, energy production, consultant, design, marine warranty survey, transportation, installation, North Sea

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