
European Wind Power M&A Deals are climbing into the billions for top wind portfolios

Competition rife for teams, assets and pipelines

Research and Markets has announced the addition of Wind Power Development Strategies in Europe, 2007-2015 to their offering.

Wind power in Europe will continue to see steady growth over the next five years and remain an anchor for the industry amidst rapid, but more volatile, global wind power expansion. With its many individual wind power markets operating at different levels of market maturity, Europe presents a challenging and evolving competitive environment.

Wind Power Development Strategies in Europe 2007-2015 is the most in-depth market study available on Europe’s wind power development market. This new study analyzes the strategies of key players competing in these booming, yet volatile wind markets. This is the third annual study to date by EER on Europe’s wind markets, and is widely considered the most in-depth and authoritative market study available on European wind market development.

Trends covered in EER’s market study include:

- Emergence of new growth markets is shifting the strategy focus of top European development players, looking East and offshore.

- Renewable policy shifts are shaping development environments throughout Europe, with incentive revisions impacting the wind project business model.

- Utility strategies are evolving towards greater pan-European competition as mega utilities comply with renewables obligations and others look to build

competitive advantage.

- Expanding IPPs are devising acquisition strategies and moving upstream on the value chain to capture early phase opportunities.

- Developers are moving to new markets with a new set of local players while consolidating in traditional leading countries Germany and Spain.

- M&A deals are climbing into the billions for top wind portfolios, and competition is rife for teams, assets and pipelines.

- Foreign entrants becoming more active are on the prowl for acquisitions to gain a foothold in remaining European growth markets.

Companies Mentioned:

- Centrica

- DONG Energy Renewables

- EDF Energies Nouvelles

- Edison


- Electrabel

- Endesa

- Enel

- E.ON

- Essent

- Iberdrola/Scottish Power

- ScottishPower

- Nuon


- Scottish and Southern Energy

- Statkraft

- Vattenfall

- Acciona Energia

- Aitricity

- Babcock & Brown Wind Partners

- Enerfin-Enervento, Grupo Elecnor

- Eurus Energy

- Falck Renewables

- Gas Natural

- Molinos del Ebro

- Renewable Energy Systems

- Shell WindEnergy

- Trinergy

- Allianz

- Allco


- International Power

- ERG Group

- Developers


- EnergieKontor

- Espace Eolien Developpement

- Gamesa Energia

- Germania Windpark

- Juwi

- Ostwind

- Prokon Nord/Enertag

- Wind Prospect

- WindStrom



For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c87750

Research and Markets
Edited by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
wind energy, wind farm, renewable energy, wind power, wind turbine, rotorblade, offshore, onshore, Windpark

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