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Deutsche Windtechnik: Use of drone technology for inspections in offshore wind
Official Press Release Deutsche Windtechnik:
Deutsche Windtechnik's inspection body is one of the first to use drone technology on a large scale for periodic inspections of the rotor blades at the Butendiek offshore wind farm
At the beginning of June, the experts from Deutsche Windtechnik were among the first to carry out a large-scale offshore inspection campaign using automated drone technology. The deployment included the periodic inspection of the rotor blades at the Butendiek offshore wind farm, which is fitted with 80 Siemens SWT 3.6-120 wind turbines. The novel approach was made possible by advancements in drone technology as well as new specifications from the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), which allow remote optical inspection procedures in addition to the tried-and-tested rope access technology.
"Using our drone at the Butendiek offshore wind farm, we were able to verify that a drone can save a significant amount of time compared to the conventional rope access... ... More: Official Press Release Deutsche Windtechnik
- Keywords:
- Deutsche Windtechnik, drone, technology, inspection, offshore, wind farm, Germany, Butendiek, rotor blade, BSH, rope