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Ireland needs even offshore action to accelerate industry
Official Press Release Wind Energy Ireland:
Momentum is growing behind Ireland’s offshore wind energy revolution
It was inspiring to be in Ostend last week hearing the Taoiseach set out his ambition for an energy-independent Ireland. He was speaking as one of eight EU leaders, with the President of the European Commission, who united behind a clear political declaration to accelerate the development of offshore wind energy.
We are already accelerating in Ireland. Last Thursday the country’s first offshore wind energy auction opened. The first group of projects are competing against each other to provide electricity at the best possible price and, when the results are announced in May, the successful projects will take a huge step forward. But, as they overcome that challenge, they face new ones – a broken planning system, an electricity grid which urgently... ... More: Official Press Release Wind Energy Ireland
- Keywords:
- Wind Energy Ireland, Ireland, offshore, momentum, energy independence, EU, policy, results, challenge, planning, grid, ports, action, auction