
Study: New England region will benefit from renewable energy deployment

The report detailed significant market benefits for consumers in Maine as well as in neighboring states.

Official Press Release ACP:

NEW REPORT: Study Finds Significant Benefits for New England Region from Clean Energy Deployment in Northern Maine

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NEW REPORT: Study Finds Significant Benefits for New England Region from Clean Energy Deployment in Northern Maine

Report estimates clean energy is poised to deliver over $200 million per year in savings for consumers in the New England region

A new study commissioned by the American Clean Power Association (ACP) has found that additional renewable capacity will lower energy market prices and provide significant cost savings for consumers in New England states. Conducted by Daymark Energy Advisors, the study analyzed the market and environmental benefits of 1,200 megawatts (MW) of incremental land-based renewable capacity for the New England region. The new study focused on clean energy resources sited in northern Maine, which is the location of most proposed... ... More: Official Press Release ACP

ACP, study, New England, region, clean energy, Maine, renewable energy, capacity, offshore, MW, solar

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