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ACP welcomes FERC's proposed transmission grid reform
Official Press Release ACP:
ACP applauds FERC proposed transmission reform
Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission announced a Proposed Rule, which, if finalized, would significantly reform regional transmission planning and cost allocation.
The clean energy industry is developing thousands of megawatts of clean energy resources – but many projects are stymied by a lack of transmission capacity. FERC’s proposed rule has the potential to accelerate backbone transmission development planning, ensure fair and consistent cost allocation, and provide a substantial role for states in planning transmission for the future. The policies in the Proposed Rule would help ensure that projects are able to deliver affordable, reliable, clean electricity to customers across the country. ACP CEO Heather Zichal provided the following... ... More: Official Press Release ACP
- Keywords:
- ACP, FERC, USA, ruling, transmission grid, reform, decision, welcome, rule, energy resources, renewable energy, planning, policy