
RenewableUK calls for onshore wind boost in the UK

RenewableUK wants the UK Government to boost the onshore wind capacity to cut the dependence on gas and move to low-cost, home-grown energy sources.

Official Press Release RenewableUK:

RenewableUK calls for onshore wind planning reforms to support bill payers

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RenewableUK calls for onshore wind planning reforms to support bill payers

RenewableUK is calling for the UK and devolved Governments to boost our onshore wind capacity as a key part of our nation’s strategy to cut our dependence on gas and move to low-cost, home-grown energy sources. The UK can more than double its total onshore wind capacity from 14 gigawatts now to 30GW by 2030 and this would add £45bn to the economy and support 27,000 jobs.

The current planning system in England blocks nearly all development of new onshore wind projects, so the trade association welcomes any move which would enables communities which support onshore wind farms to approve them. We are also urging the Scottish Government to continue to make progress on its new Onshore Wind Policy Statement and planning reforms as a matter of urgency, given the... ... More: Official Press Release RenewableUK

RenewableUK, Government, onshore, planning, UK, boost, capacity, dependence, low cost, home grown, sources, gigawatts, jobs, econony

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