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London Array finds new O&M provider
Official Press Release RWE:
RWE to take on operations, service & maintenance responsibilities at London Array Offshore Wind Farm
Experienced offshore wind operator wins 10-year contract
Following a competitive tender process RWE has been successful in winning the operations, service & maintenance contract at the 175 turbine, 630MW London Array Offshore Wind Farm. Over the past year a tender process has been conducted to explore if there was a more efficient way to deliver the range of O&M services needed at London Array. This has been conducted by London Array Limited on behalf of shareholders, RWE (30%), Orsted (25%), Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ, 25%) and Masdar (20%). RWE operates eight offshore wind farms in the UK and a further five across Europe on behalf of itself and its partners, and with over... ... More: Official Press Release RWE
- Keywords:
- RWE, London Array, wind farm, offshore, service provider, maintenance, contract, tender, operations, turbine, MW