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WindEurope: Harsh criticism for Italy's "messy permitting"
Official Press Release WindEurope:
Messy permitting leads to yet another undersubscribed wind auction in Italy
Italy has published the results of its latest renewables auction. 3,300 MW was on offer, including non-awarded capacity from previous undersubscribed auctions. But only 975 MW of utility-scale projects were awarded, of which 392 MW were onshore wind. Yet again the lack of permitted projects led to an undersubscribed auction. The backlog of non-awarded renewables capacity in Italy keeps piling up.
“Italy is Europe’s prime example for how bad permitting leads to low renewables build-out. Neither the EU’s renewables target for 2030 nor Italy’s national targets for wind energy count for anything if there aren’t enough permitted projects that can bid in to the auctions. The latest undersubscribed auction shows once again that Italy urgently needs to fix... ... More: Official Press Release WindEurope
- Keywords:
- WindEurope, Italy, auction, bad, underscribed, permitting, renewables, MW, capacity, project, utility scale, onshore, backlog