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Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy join forces for offshore wind in Italy
Official Press Release Falck Renewables:
Falck Renewables joins forces with BlueFloat Energy to develop floating offshore wind farms off the Italian coast
First project in Puglia to be launched soon
Falck Renewables announces an equal partnership with BlueFloat Energy for the development of floating offshore wind farms off the Italian coast and the start of the authorization process for the first project in Puglia, called Kailia Energia, in the waters off Brindisi. This partnership builds on Falck Renewables’ strong local presence and development track record in Italy combined with BlueFloat Energy’s expertise in floating offshore wind and global footprint. The two Companies see a strong potential for floating offshore wind in Italy, considering the characteristics of its coastline and the depth of its seas, for the production of renewable energy through the use of floating offshore wind technology, that... ... More: Official Press Release Falck Renewables
- Keywords:
- Falck Renewables, BlueFloat Energy, floating, Italy, wind farm, development, foundation, Mediterranian Sea, capacity, Brindisi