
DNV updates standard for floating wind turbine structures

The updated standard includes numerous technical improvements that allow the industry to further optimize floating wind turbine structures while maintaining a sufficient level of safety.

Official Press Release DNV:

DNV updates standard for floating wind turbine structures to allow for cost reduction and optimization

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DNV updates standard for floating wind turbine structures to allow for cost reduction and optimization

The main change is a completely revised section on floating stability.

DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider, has updated the DNV-ST-0119 standard for floating wind turbine structures. The updated standard includes numerous technical improvements that allow the industry to further optimize floating wind turbine structures while maintaining a sufficient level of safety. The main change is a completely revised section on floating stability. In addition, various clarifications and updates have been implemented throughout the standard. The improvements are based on industry feedback as well as DNV’s own gap analyses and experience from projects. “With the need for decarbonization ever more urgent, floating wind has the potential... ... More: Official Press Release DNV

DNV, update, standard, floating, offshore, wind turbine, structure, cost reduction, optimization, change, technical, safety

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