
News Release from Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.

Event: 14th German-African Energy Forum

The German-African Energy Forum is the flagship event of economic cooperation between Germany and the African continent. For thirteen years, the conference has been hosting up to 500 participants, a yearly average of ten African government delegations and continues to be a popular destination for leading energy businesses from Germany, Europe and Africa.

That is why we are pleased to announce the
14th German-African Energy Forum
Regaining Momentum: Africa’s Energy leading to a Smart, Green & Inclusive Economic Transformation
on June 1st & 2nd, 2021
hybrid – in Hamburg and on your screens

within the German-African Energy Days from June 1st to 10th, 2021.

The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and the ongoing digital transformation of economies need a green, smart and quick response from the energy sector. Power generation is still one of the main enablers for inclusive economic growth in Africa.

During the pandemic, the 14th German-African Energy Forum will therefore continue to be a platform to discuss trends, promote innovative approaches and host the future of German-African Energy partnerships. To unlock the full potential of the well-established forum and the opportunities of digitalization, the 14th edition of the conference will be held as a hybrid event, embedded in the German-African Energy Days 2021, the first of its kind events series with five days of program all around energy in Africa with a focus on the cooperation with Germany & Europe.

Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
Press Office
Afrika-Verein, Forum, event, Germany, Europe, Africa, energy, industry, participants, energy transition, transformation

All news from Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.

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