
Atlantic Shores Deployed Two Buoys

Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind has announced the launch of two buoys that will collect critical atmospheric and weather data, and track the migration of animals in their Lease Area off the coast of Atlantic City.

Official Press Release Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind:

Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind Launches Buoys to Collect Essential Atmospheric, Cold Pool, Animal Migration Data

Atlantic Shores Deploys Two Buoys in Its Lease Area and Offers New Data to Local NJ Researchers

Today, Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind (Atlantic Shores) announced the launch of two buoys that will collect critical atmospheric and weather data, and track the migration of species of birds, fish, turtles and other animals that have been nanotagged by researchers. Each buoy will be deployed in the offshore wind developer’s Lease Area off the coast of Atlantic City to strengthen atmospheric models that help inform how the developer designs and estimates energy production for their proposed project. Some data collected will also help deepen research of the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool as well... ... More: Official Press Release Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind

Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind, offshore, wind farm, data, collection, New Jersey, buoys, lease area, animal migration, atmospheric, RUCOOL, LiDAR

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