
Nexans Wins Contract for Underground Grid Connections in France

Nexans will play a key role in RTE’s projects to renew and upgrade France’s power transmission network, the company has announced

Official Press Release Nexans:

Nexans wins major frame contract as RTE makes “the Greener Choice” for underground grid connections

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Nexans wins major frame contract as RTE makes “the Greener Choice” for underground grid connections

Nexans is confirmed by RTE as a leading supplier of high-voltage underground cables / Nexans will play a key role in RTE’s projects to renew and upgrade France’s power transmission network / Nexans is committed to designing dedicated, systematic solutions to our customers’ unique requirements of sustainable electrification

Nexans has been selected by Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE), France’s Transmission System Operator (TSO) for a three years (option for 2 additional years) frame contract to deliver cables, accessories and installation services for underground grid connections at 90 kV, 220 kV and 400 kV. The new agreement is a further extension of Nexans’ long-term partnership with RTE, marking an increase in volume for Nexans,... ... More: Official Press Release Nexans

Nexans, RTE, underground, cables, France, transmission network, grid, renewable energy, sustainable, wind farm, interconnector

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