
Golden Plains Wind Farm: Boost for Local Farmers

The Golden Plains Wind Farm is currently applying for planning permission in Australia. Nearly 40 farming families are looking forward to host wind turbines on their property. The Australian Wind Alliance introduces one of them.

Official Press Release Australian Wind Alliance (AWA/Blog):

Barunah Park farmer looking for a boost from the wind

Wind Industry Profile of
Barunah Park farmer looking for a boost from the wind

The sweeping plains west of Geelong are perfect for wind farms. With a long agricultural history and swept by strong winds, the area around Rokewood is set to host a large project of up to 228 turbines, and become the next in a long line of regional communities to benefit from hosting wind farms.

Nearly 40 farming families stand to host turbines on their properties in the Golden Plains Wind Farm. One of those families is the Bath family from Barunah Park. Paul Bath’s grandfather bought a soldier settlement block after the Second World War and lived in a tin hut for many years skinning rabbits. After growing up in the area and working as a shearer, Paul bought land there ten years ago to carry on the... ... More: Official Press Release Australian Wind Alliance (AWA/Blog)

AWA, Australia, wind farm, Golden Plains Wind Farm, planning, wind, boost, farming

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