
Serbian Wind Farm Gets Customised Tower Solution from Vestas

It's the company's largest order from the Balkan country.

Official Press Release Vestas:

Customised tower solution secures Vestas' largest order in Serbia

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Customised tower solution secures Vestas' largest order in Serbia

Long-term customer MK Fintel Wind a.d. Beograd has placed an order for 20 V126-3.45 MW turbines for the 69 MW Kosava I wind park in Serbia.

To accommodate the site's specific wind conditions and maximise energy production while meeting the site's tip height constraints, Vestas developed a solution with site-specific towers. Vestas has been active in Serbia since 2008 and the Kosava I project is Vestas' third project with MK Fintel in Serbia. The two previous wind parks MK Fintel and Vestas have partnered on, the Kula and La Piccolina wind parks, were the country's first operating wind power plants. "Kosava Phase I is to date our biggest single wind development and it is also the third project in a row with Vestas. We look forward to... ... More: Official Press Release Vestas

Vestas, Serbia, wind farm, turbine, tower, solution, service, customised

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