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Phase-Out for U.S. PTC Stays
Official Press Release AWEA:
Tax reform to allow continued wind power investment and job growth
Champions in Congress stand up for American wind workers
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act near passage in Congress will allow the continued growth of American wind energy, and the investment, jobs, and other economic benefits it brings to rural communities. The bill to be voted on later this week preserves the orderly phase-out through 2019 of wind energy tax credits, ensuring stability for American factories that build wind turbines, and investors who back new wind farms. “We are grateful to our champions in Congress for their work to craft a pro-business tax reform bill that will continue the success story of American wind power,” said Tom Kiernan, CEO of the American Wind Energy Association. “The bill respects the 2015 bipartisan phase-out, preserving... ... More: Official Press Release AWEA