
Hull-retaining verification by 8.2 Consulting AG

Hull-retaining verification by 8.2 Consulting AG in order to comply with the BSH standard

IEMANTS Steel Constructions (IEMANTS) has requested the expertise of 8.2 Consulting AG (8.2AG) to carry out BSH collision friendliness analyses of the support structure.

8.2AG has performed the necessary examinations and the hull-retaining verification for three (3) IEMANTS projects in 2016, including the offshore wind farms Veja Mate and EnBW Hohe See.

Martin Böckler, expert for structural analysis, states: “8.2AG already completed some projects together with IEMANTS before I joined the company in 2013. I am proud to continue that constructive cooperation in the past years and in the future. For me, it was always a direct and productive connection and I hope IEMANTS will rely on our service in the future.”

“Since 2001, Iemants has relied on the services of 8.2AG to assist in the matters of the hull retaining verifications on all the substations which we have designed and built within the German Bight. This cooperation has always been conducted in a positive and constructive way and we look forward to work with 8.2 AG on our future projects in the German Bight”, says Mr. Claudio Sedrani from IEMANTS.

In the past five years 8.2 Consulting AG has performed more than 20 collision analysis for several clients.

8.2AG outlines the necessary verifications and perform the hull-retaining verification assessment. It includes the preparation of a numerical crashworthiness analysis to evaluate the consequences of vessel collision with an offshore structure.

The main objective of those simulations is to ensure that (in case of a collision between a ship and an offshore structure) the consequences for the environment, ship and, at last, for the offshore structure itself do not become too severe. This investigation is mandatory to be in line with the BSH requirements for the first release.

For the assessment different scenarios of collisions between defined ships and offshore structures (wind turbine generators, converter platforms…) are examined with the Finite Element Method (FEM).

FE-models of the colliding ship and the offshore-structure are created and brought into contact by using the FE-software LS-DYNA. The results are evaluated and a report for BSH release is created. Several in-house created tools are used during the assessment to speed up the process and ensure the quality of reports.

8.2 Consulting AG
8.2 Consulting AG, BSH, Veja Mate, Hohe See

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